Compassion & Choices

End-Of-Life Decisions – they’re yours to make, so do it now while you actually have choices & can make your own decisions.


This planning guide is one I recommend often and use with many of my clients. It’s more than forms and questions, though they exist here too. Compiling documents and instructions that are essentially “getting your affairs in order” can be tedious and even intimidating. This booklet eases you into this process with curiosity and is more comprensive & complete than what you may have seen from your medical provider or state provided documents. *Compassion & Choices also provides online links and contact information that is state-specific, so you can be assured you have all the documents you need where you are.

The intended guidance can be shaped and utilized as you choose – to allow for basic instructions or more detailed planning parameters. Whatever your choices for your end-of-life journey, the bottom line is to get it done. And give it to your people so they know what you want and aren’t asked to make decisions for you without knowing your wishes. Remember… They will be struggling and grieving your transition at this same time. Make it as kind and loving as you can, and don’t leave it up to them.