Death isn’t easy - it’s an intense transition…

It is the labor of our body and our spirit moving from this life. A labor where pain isn’t inevitable and where we have the ability to imagine how our death journey may unfold if we talk about it, plan for it, tell those we love our wishes and embrace the time we are assured of – today – to say, to do and to experience all the things that matter most to us.

Talking about death and dying won’t hasten its approach but it will shift how you think about it, how you feel about it.

"Death isn't something that happens to us, it's something we do." ~ Alua Arthur

Conscious Acts of Love was formed from my desire to make death, and conversations about death, conscious acts of love within our communities – families caring for families, neighbors supporting each other and communities growing stronger by holding each other and honoring the sacredness of death. This is as it was meant to be – not a medicalized process but a collective event where there is comfort in the familiar, dignity and truth in the dying process and a witnessing of loss, an expression of love by those who come around to hold each other through the transition and grief – while at the same time remembering the joy and love that is the person who is dying.

I am living the work of my heart.

“End-of-Life Doulas are like water, we flow where the need is.” ~ Jenet Robertson

Billie Jo Vonhoff

Full Spectrum, Holistic End-of-Life Doula & Educator, Grief Tender, Volunteer

What is an end-of-life doula?

We are non-medical, trained professionals who provide spiritual, emotional, physical, and practical support for dying people, their loved ones, and their chosen caregivers as they prepare for and navigate through their end-of-life.

You may have heard other names for this kind of comfort care – Soul Midwife, Community Death Care Advocate or Death-walker.  We are members of your community who come around you, who honor your wishes, and give you comfort as you near your transition. This is often a time when those closest to you may be overwhelmed with apprehension of loss and grief, and they may struggle to be present during this part of life. An End-of-Life Doula helps to fill the care gap between medical teams and your chosen caregivers by providing comfort and compassionate care to you and to everyone who is walking this journey with you. We bear witness to the sacredness of death, and with dignity, trust in the death process as it uniquely unfolds for you

Most of us don’t want to imagine a world without us in it. Hoping for the best may feel better, may seem like the easier option… Until it’s in front of you or someone you love.

You’re here because you believe, you hope, that I might be of service – to support, advocate, hold and honor you or someone you love where you are, in a place where this final transition has become reality.

Doula Care Services

I will be your advocate, your guide and your support as your experience in this space unfolds. I will hold you and be present with you through your journey.

End of Life Education & Planning

What Matters Most To You? This is it, this is the big question. With curiosity and conversation in a brave space – you’ll find the answers you may not have known you were looking for.

Pet Death Support

Our pets are our chosen family. Their end-of-life experience should be held and honored just as fervently as our own. I provide support in a way that allows you to be completely present alongside them in this time.

Conscious Acts of Love is a consulting organization for end-of-life support and is in no way considered a funeral establishment. Any contributions received by Conscious Acts of Love are for requested consulting service and private or public education.