What is Life & End-of-Life Care Planning?

Imagine a personal trainer who guides you through a regime of physical, practical, spiritual and emotional exercises as a means of planning for life’s changes from now until end of life, where the goal is to give you tools to determine What Matters Most To You and create your Life (now) and End-of-Life Care Plan.

We create a brave, non-judgmental and unbiased space for conversations that explore life’s scenarios around aging, elder care, unplanned illness, mortality, the dying process and grief. We provide a means of exploring with curiosity what matters most to you now and what may matter most to you at end of life. We promote a healing culture around end-of-life care – where healing is about comfort, compassion and dignity, and less about what is medically curative.

“Death is a part of life, it is not the opposite of life.”
Delta Waters, death doula

Did you know?

Who would benefit from an End-Of-Life coach?

As you create your Life Care Plan, I will provide a brave space where we will talk about your best life care choices.

Our focus begins with your wellness today – physical, spiritual, and emotional – and allows you to prioritize the care you want and need now and through end of life. These sessions encourage consideration of what is most important to you, what priorities you will focus upon, and what comfort care you will want. Here, you are empowered to create an alignment with what matters most to you and allow a place for you to celebrate love and connection while also letting go of anything that isn’t serving you. You may even determine what would make your death your own.

This is deep and often emotional work. I ask for full engagement as you investigate what life fulfillment looks like for you.

I provide resources for education, guide you as you determine your care plan, and support you as you share your goals/wishes with your people. It opens the field to conversations we often avoid and allows for space to discuss and make known your choices and your desire that they honor and support your decisions. One of the most widely expressed regrets of people who’ve lost a loved one is not knowing what that person would have wanted during their final days and hours.
“Open the door and let death in the room. We can’t prepare for it if we can’t talk about it.”
Jane Whitlock
Conscious Acts of Love is a consulting organization for end-of-life support and is in no way considered a funeral establishment. Any contributions received by Conscious Acts of Love are for requested consulting service and private or public education.