
End-Of-Life Coaching:

End-of-Life Coaching is offered in two formats: 1:1 or Group Sessions

Some of the topics we will explore:

Through multiple sessions, and utilizing a series of reflection questions in the Five Realms of Life, you will identify What Matters Most To You… Your end-of-life priorities, current reality and action steps to create a Care Plan that encompasses the emotional, spiritual, life legacy, physical and practical realms. This is not an advance directive, it’s a care plan, a truly radical way to prepare for your end-of-life transition, to experience completion, ease anticipatory suffering and imagine your death.

The premise of group coaching is similar to 1:1 sessions with a group of 2 – 8 participants. The classes are interactive and include videos, readings, visualizations, guided discussion and general sharing of thoughts & ideas. This is a brave space where each person participating will be honored and held with compassion and kindness.

Is there someone whom you know would find these sessions to be empowering or enlightening or simply helpful as they navigate wherever they are in their life, and in their thoughts about (or no thoughts about) what their end-of-life care plan would look like?

Conscious Acts of Love is a non-medical organization, and we do not dispense or endorse any medical advice.